Downtown Hightstown, Inc., established in 2008, is an all-volunteer group of business owners and stakeholders dedicated to supporting businesses in their efforts to enhance the image, reputation and appeal of Hightstown, New Jersey to our residents, visitors, customers and other businesses.
Our Mission
We will promote our unique ability to be a town big enough to provide a diverse offering of business services while being small enough to offer excellent personal service to residents, visitors and customers. We will collaborate with and support other established community and business groups in Hightstown to achieve our goals. We will plan events with the goal of providing exposure for Hightstown businesses to our current residents, new visitors and other businesses.
How are you associated with Hightstown Borough?
Governed by a Board of Directors, Downtown Hightstown is an all-volunteer non-profit group. It operates independently of the town government.
How much funding does Hightstown Borough and the State of New Jersey give Downtown Hightstown, Inc?
We receive NO funding from Hightstown Borough and the State of New Jersey. Downtown Hightstown receives all of it’s funding through donations and business contributions, and attends trainings hosted by Main Street New Jersey.
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Board of Directors

Brent Rivenburgh, President
Brent has been a resident of Hightstown since 2001, but has been visiting our beautiful town since 1992. Originally from Upstate New York, Brent met his wife Abigail Stults Rivenburgh in Salem, VA where they both attended Roanoke College. After the two were married, they decided to settle in Hightstown where Abi’s family can trace their lineage back to our town’s beginnings. Brent graduated from Roanoke with a Bachelors of Business Administration and a concentration in marketing.
Brent has worked in the professional sales and marketing field. For the last seven years he has been a Commercial Insurance Account Manager at our own Allen & Stults Co., Inc. Locally he is a member of the Hightstown Economic Development Committee and a Master Mason of the Hightstown Apollo Lodge #41, F. & A.M. Brent is also involved with the Chamber of Commerce in both Princeton and Middlesex and was recently named the incoming Chairman of the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of NJ Young Agent Council Board of Directors. When he is not spending time with his family, you can find Brent playing golf, fishing or driving his classic car around town.

Diane McKernan, Secretary
Diane McKernan moved to New Jersey in 1996 to work at Gillespie Advertising (now MRM/McCann), where she was a copywriter for several well-known brands. Since that time her career has evolved to encompass creative management, marketing and communications. She is currently the Marketing Communications Lead for Arora and Associates, an engineering and construction management company headquartered in Lawrenceville, New Jersey. Diane holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from Emerson College in Boston, Massachusetts. She is also the owner of Cadence Communications and is proud to call Hightstown home.

Gary Grubb, Board Member
Gary Grubb moved from Bridgehampton, LI, New York to Hightstown, NJ in 1957. He has been married to his wife Dale for 49 years. Gary and Dale reside at 302 Morrison Avenue in Hightstown. Gary was employed with a local company (Carter-Wallace, Inc.) for 38 years and is now retired. He also served on the local Board of Health and Shade Tree Commission.
In addition to being on the Downtown Hightstown, Inc. Board of Directors, Gary serves on the Parks and Recreation Commission, the Environmental Commission, and is a member of the Hightstown-East Windsor Improvement Project (HEWIP). He is also a long-time member of the Hightstown-Apollo Masonic Lodge and was Master in 1976.